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Sunday, November 7, 2010

I've checked back here to see if I have had visitors. . . there was one and so. . .

I've had a look at my last surviving positions and find that the first one was left to drawdown of over 100pips. However, while this entry was a mistake it still is a winner!

I see that my first AUDUSD entry had a drawdown of over 100pips! I remember back to my mindframe at that time. I recall that I felt I was right and that I felt I could enter with NO SL! While I do not advocate this type of entry I will confess that was what it was. The drawdown was less than 0.25% or so. After a while the trade went in my favor and I locked it in and began looking for another entry. Neither of the two other trade entries AUDUSD nor NZDUSD needed to lose more than 10 pips before a BE move was given! They just 'ran'!! Two of the three showing trades were taken with only 10 pips possible loss at the most. That is where my interest lays. Enter with only a small risk and reap a big reward when you are right. 

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